Best Homemade 3 Ingredients Mango Sorbet | Ninja Creami Recipe

Hello, my lovely people! I hope you are having a great spring. As the days grow longer and the heat from the sun becomes more intense, you know what that means—lots of sunshine and lots of sorbet! I’m very excited to dive into one of my all-time favorite summer hobbies. That is, making homemade sorbet. The idea of transforming fresh, vibrant fruits into cool, refreshing treats is truly amazing.

In today’s blog post, I am particularly excited to share with you a dessert that can take you to the tropical beach: mango sorbet. The recipe is not just a way to beat the heat but a celebration of the sweet and fragrant tropical flavors that mangoes bring. Although I love making homemade ice creams, it is always nice to whip up a quick and easy recipe like this 3 ingredients mango sorbet I’m going to share with you.

So are you ready to welcome the warm season with spoonfuls of this delightful, frosty, easy, 3-ingredient mango sorbet?

Let’s get started!

Introduction to Homemade Mango Sorbet 🥭

1. 3 Simple and Healthy Ingredients

Welcome to the world of simple frozen delights with our homemade mango sorbet. It’s a recipe with only three simple ingredients, yet it’s so delicious and irresistible. If you think this homemade mango sorbet would be a recipe that has a “homemade taste” as well, I assure you it is not. It is a gourmet and luxurious mango sorbet.

It also offers a healthier alternative to store-bought desserts. Ripe mangoes bring their natural sweetness and vibrant yellow color, while a touch of lime adds a zesty twist. As you will see in the blog post below, you will find a healthy alternative to regular syrup or sugar to use in the mango sorbet recipe. The result is this creamy, luxurious, flavorful mango sorbet that is healthy and packed with nutrients.

Ninja creami ice cream machine_homemade ice cream

My Ninja Creami Ice Cream Machine in my kitchen!

2. Equipment Needed: Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker

Read My Review

You really don’t need a lot of equipment to make this delicious mango sorbet! Just this Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker and a blender.

I got my Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker about a year ago, and needless to say, I use it often and love it! It makes really good ice cream in such a short period of time, but there are some cons to having it, like the pretty big noise it makes. If you are interested, read my detailed Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker review here.

Why Make Homemade Mango Sorbet 🥭

1. Vegan and Dairy-Free

Sorbet is naturally vegan and dairy-free, whereas most traditional frozen treats have dairy in them.

So if you are vegan, lactose-intolerant, or health-conscious, this mango sorbet is the perfect dessert for you!

2. Low-sugar, Nutrient-Packed Dessert

Sorbet, in general, is lighter and has lots of fruits as an ingredient, which makes it the most healthy option to choose among any frozen treat type.

But you can make your own homemade mango sorbet to make it even healthier! You can make this mango sorbet with a healthy sugar alternative to make it a low-sugar and nutrient-packed dessert.

3. Tropical Mood

I really love tropical fruits and cuisine. When I take a bite and close my eyes, it transports me to a tropical paradise.

The mango’s rich, creamy texture and juicy bite, with its distinct, aromatic sweetness that resembles that of apples, exude a tropical vibe. I love making this at home without having to fly to Southeast Asia. So if you want to have a tropical vacation at home with homemade mango sorbet, let’s go! ✈️

homemade 3 ingredients mango sorbet ice cream recipe_apple mango

Health Benefits of Apple Mango🥭

I highly recommend using apple mangoes for the mango sorbet recipe. The flavor of apple mango is distinct and has a wonderful bright yellow color that stands out. But apple mangoes are not only delicious but also have numerous health benefits. Here are top 4 health benefits of apple mangoes.

1. High in Dietary Fiber

Apple mangoes are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which means that they are good for digestion and help with regular bowel movements.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

Apple mangoes are rich in antioxidants like polyphenols and carotenoids, which help protect cells from oxidative stress and keep them young!

3. High Potassium Content

There are many nutrients that mangoes have, but it is worth noting the high potassium content. Our body needs potassium for heart health and to maintain stable blood pressure.

4. Boost Hair and Skin Health

Vitamin A, C, and E in apple mangoes help keep our hair and skin healthy. Many skincare products also contain these antioxidants, but it is also important to incorporate them into our bodies.

Other Mango Recipes on Kreamy Vegan’s Blog

If you are a mango lover like me, you might like these other mango recipes on my blog.

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Key Ingredients for Best Homemade 3 Ingredients Mango Sorbet

homemade 3 ingredients mango sorbet ice cream recipe_allulose syrup

Only these three ingredients are needed: allulose syrup, apple mangoes, and lime.

1. Allulose Syrup

My Normal Keto Allulose 17.1 Fl Oz – Allulose, Monk Fruit and Stevia Blend

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Using a good bottle of fiber syrup is important to making the best homemade mango sorbet. It adds sweetness to the sorbet while making it healthy!

Allulose is often used in Korean cuisine as it has fewer calories than real sugar and doesn’t add any other flavor. I love using allulose or date syrup in my recipes.

To make the best light ice cream, you need a healthy sweetener that only adds sweetness to bring out the best flavor of the ingredients.

2. Ripe Apple Mango

You can use any mangoes for this recipe, but I prefer to use apple mangoes. Apple mango is a variety known for its exceptionally sweet, juicy, and aromatic flavors that resemble that of a mixture of mango and apple—hence the name. Use fresh, ripe apple mangoes to make this best homemade mango sorbet. As the recipe only has a few ingredients (literally three), using a quality ingredient is very important.

3. Limes

I will use some limes in this recipe to maximize the sweet and sour flavors of the apple mangoes.

Not lime juice, but a whole lime! It has more nutrients and fiber than using just juice. Also, I find it easier just to peel the limes and throw the whole lime inside the bowl instead of squeezing the lime juice out.

homemade 3 ingredients mango sorbet ice cream recipe

Best Homemade 3 Ingredients Mango Sorbet | Ninja Creami Recipe

homemade 3 ingredients mango sorbet ice cream recipe

Homemade 3 Ingredients Mango Sorbet

Kreamy Vegan
Make this gourmet and refreshing mango sorbet easily at home using Ninja Creami!
Course Dessert
Cuisine American, Southeast Asian


  • 1 Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker
  • 1 Blender


  • 2 cups Apple mango puree 2-3 Apple mangoes
  • 1/3 cup Allulose syrup
  • 1/8 cup Lime 1 Lime
  • 1/4 tsp Salt Optional


  • Prepare 3 apple mangoes. Wash them and peel them.
  • Carve the apple mango flesh from the seed. Cube them.
  • Blend the apple mango flesh until smooth. Take 2 cups of mango puree. Pour it into the empty CREAMi pint.
  • Take one lime and wash. Peel.
  • Blend the lime flesh until smooth. Take 1/8 cup of lime. Pour it into the CREAMi pint.
  • Take 1/3 cup of allulose syrup and pour it into the CREAMi pint.
  • Optionally, you can add 1/4 teaspoon of salt to taste.
  • Mix everything in the pint well. Place the storage lid on a pint and freeze for 24 hours.
  • Remove the pint from the freezer and remove the lid from the pint. Place the pint into the Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker.
  • Select SORBET. Run the program.
  • When processing is complete, remove the sorbet from the pint.
  • Serve immediately. Enjoy!
Keyword homemade, simple

Tips for Enjoying Mango Sorbet

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Coconut Ice Cream Recipe| Inspired by Baskin Robbins Nutty Coconut

Inspired by the Nutty Coconut, this coconut ice cream recipe has three types of nuts. They bring out the sweetness and nutty flavor of the coconut even more.

1. Pair It with Tropical Sorbet

Pairing complementary flavors of frozen treats is a great way to enjoy them to the fullest.

With the mango sorbet, I find pairing it with another tropical sorbet goes so well together! You could pair it with pineapple sorbet or mango & guava sorbet for a refreshing tropical sorbet pairing.

But if you want a contrasting flavor pairing, try my gourmet coconut ice cream recipe which also requires only three ingredients to make!

The coconut ice cream is nutty, rich, and decadent, while fruit sorbets are light and refreshing. But both of them have wonderful, vibrant tropical flavors. They make the perfect pairing.

You can check out my other fruit sorbet recipes.

2. Mango Slices on Top

This is completely optional, but you can put mango slices or cubes on top of the mango sorbet.

Have you heard of a Korean shaved ice frozen treat called bingsu? I have a mango bingsu recipe here as well, and a mango wouldn’t be a mango bingsu without its mango pieces on top!

3. Real Fresh Mangoes Over Frozen Mangoes

I am all for using frozen vegetables and mangoes, but I recommend using real fresh apple mangoes for the mango sorbet recipe rather than frozen mangoes for the ingredient.

Fresh, ripe mangoes are usually sweeter and better in taste than the frozen mangoes I’ve tried.

Summary of 3 Ingredients Mango Sorbet

There you have it—a tropical heaven in a bowl in the name of mango sorbet! Can you believe that this creamy, refreshing, flavorful, gourmet mango sorbet can be made with only three ingredients? (Or four ingredients, if you really want to intensify the flavor with salt!) This refreshing frozen treat is perfect for cooling down on a hot summer day or adding a tropical twist to your dessert time. Moreover, it’s a healthy indulgence that you can feel good after eating.

So next time you crave something tropical and heavenly, remember this 3-ingredients mango sorbet recipe! And you are always welcome to visit my blog to check out lots of other delicious and healthy vegan recipes.

Other Ice Cream Recipes Using Ninja Creami

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