Coffee Sorbet Recipe | Korean Ice Cream | Healthy Ninja Creami

Korean coffee ice cream_coffee sorbet recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe

Hello, my lovely people! How’s it going? Today, in Oslo, it’s been raining almost the whole day. I was looking forward to sitting outside on my balcony, enjoying some sunlight and its warmth. But instead, it’s been raining and quite dark outside. On days like this, I need some extra caffeine to help me get a little more boost in my body. Those foods include matcha, chocolate, and, of course, coffee! It’s been a while since I wrote about this espresso milkshake recipe. Today, I got an idea for the recipe I wanted to write about: the coffee sorbet recipe.

Espresso milkshake recipe varieties

Espresso Milkshake | Almond Milk Ninja Creami Recipe

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Make this gourmet espresso milkshake using almond milk, fresh homemade vanilla, and dark espresso! It’s a perfect milkshake with a caffeine boost.

A Little About Coffee Sorbet Recipe


Sorbet, with its refreshing texture and vibrant flavors, is the best dessert, especially during the summertime. Fruit sorbets are one of the most popular types of sorbets, and they can be made as easily as freezing the whole fruits and processing them in a blender.

1. Fruit Sorbet Kinds

2. High Water Content & Low Fat

Sorbet usually has a higher water content than most frozen desserts, and it can be made with liquid without any dairy. That makes the sorbet so refreshing and light on our stomach! I love them after dinner at night.

So the coffee sorbet we are going to make today has no milk or cream, which makes it so light and icy.

There is some coffee ice cream, but perhaps you have not heard of coffee sorbet before. There is one type of coffee ice cream that is so popular in Korea. There are many unique ice cream flavors in Korea that you might find interesting.

Korean Ice Cream

Many Korean ice cream flavors are based on Korean desserts or cuisine, such as chestnuts from Yang Gang and red beans from red bean paste. Here are some popular Korean ice cream flavors:

  • Chestnut (바밤바)
  • Red bean (비비빅)
  • Sweet corn (찰옥수수)
  • Coffee (더위사냥)

Korean coffee ice cream_더위사냥 coffee sorbet bingure

This is the popular Korean coffee ice cream we grew up eating. 더위사냥

Today, we are going to make this Korean coffee ice cream. Although it is often called ice cream, it is in popsicle form and has a more sorbet texture than ice cream. Then let’s go!

Equipment Recommended for the Coffee Sorbet Recipe

Ninja creami ice cream machine_homemade ice cream

A picture of my Ninja Creami Ice Cream Machine in my kitchen

Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker

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There are many reasons to get this Ninja Creami Ice Cream, but here are some of the pros of getting it:

  • Makes absolutely divine sorbets, ice creams, and milkshakes
  • Inexpensive
  • Quick to produce results
  • Any ingredients for your needs

If you want to learn more, I explained more in detail in the post.

Then let’s get started with the coffee sorbet recipe!

Healthy Ninja Creami Recipe | Coffee Sorbet

I can come up with lots of healthy ice cream recipes due to this Ninja Creami ice cream maker. Even if I don’t use lots of cream and sugar like most ice creams, this machine makes the frozen base creamy!

1. Less Calories

I eat lots of frozen treats. But I still don’t want to compromise my health by eating so many frozen desserts. Desserts can be healthy yet delicious! I always have health in mind, so all my ice creamsgelato, or sorbet recipes are healthier in some way than regular store-bought ice creams. There are many healthy Ninja Creami recipes on my blog, so you can check them out if you are interested. 💪

On top of that, this is a sorbet recipe. That means there is no milk or cream involved in this recipe.

2. Energy Boost

I am not encouraging you to take more caffeine at all, but a little boost of caffeine is found to be helpful to our body. It gives us a little more energy when we need it during the day! However, caffeine can last in your body for a long period of time, so I try not to take coffee after 2 p.m.

3. Coffee (in Moderation) is Healthy

Coffee is considered as one of the most healthy drinks in the world. Here are some of the proven health benefits of coffee:

  • Brain Health: Drinking coffee in moderation was associated with a lower risk of dementia and cognitive decline.
  • Weight Loss: Several studies have found that coffee can help you burn fat!
  • Live Longer: With the many antioxidants in coffee combined with these health benefits, it has been found that drinking coffee is associated with a lower risk of overall death.

Korean coffee ice cream_coffee sorbet recipe

We all love coffee for its amazing aroma and taste, but it has many other benefits too. So let’s drink some coffee and make some coffee sorbet.

But it has caffeine, so please drink in moderation!

Coffee Sorbet Recipe | Korean Ice Cream | Healthy Ninja Creami

Coffee Sorbet Recipe

Kreamy Vegan
A light and icy coffee sorbet recipe that will certainly wake you up!
Course Dessert
Cuisine Korean


  • 1 Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker


  • 3 shots Espresso
  • 2/3 cup Water
  • 1/2 cup Date syrup
  • 1/3 cup Rolled oats
  • 1/4 tsp Salt


  • Make three shots of espresso. Cool them down.
  • Once the espresso is cooled, pour the espresso and the rest of the ingredients into the blender. Blend until smooth.
  • Then pour the mixture into the pint. Place the storage lid on a pint and freeze for 24 hours.
  • Remove the pint from the freezer and remove the lid from the pint. Place the pint into the Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker.
  • Select SORBET. Run the program.
  • When processing is complete, remove the sorbet from the pint.
  • Serve immediately. Enjoy!
Keyword healthy


Tips for Enjoying Coffee Sorbet Recipe

1. Add a Scoop of Milk

If you want to make an iced latte or some coffee milkshake, then simply add a scoop of this gorgeous coffee sorbet into the milk. Then you just made some delicious coffee drinks with the coffee sorbet! Enjoy!

2. Pair with Other Frozen Desserts

I always love pairing different kinds of frozen desserts that would go well together. A good pairing can enhance each of the flavors and create a new experience.

Here are some of the frozen desserts that I think would go so beautifully with the coffee sorbet!

vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe with macadamia

Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream Recipe | Healthy Ninja Creami Recipe

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A salty, sweet, rich, and buttery vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe is here! Made with real macadamia nuts and vanilla extract, it’s healthy and delicious.

homemade matcha gelato recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe

Matcha Gelato Recipe | Healthy Ninja Creami Recipe

If you are not only a coffee lover but also a tea lover, you might love this matcha gelato! The coffee and matcha frozen dessert pairing is a little unique, but I love it.
ninja creami recipe vanilla_vanilla ice cream recipe
Vanilla ice cream can be paired with almost any flavor… But coffee and vanilla are a match made in heaven.
This classic vanilla ice cream made with a Ninja Creami ice cream machine is so incredibly soft, decadent, and delicious. Plus, it can be made vegan!

Summary of Coffee Sorbet Recipe

I hope you enjoyed this coffee sorbet recipe! The coffee has a complex flavor profile: bitter, aromatic, fruity, nutty, or floral, depending on the coffee of your choice. That means this coffee sorbet can have a lot of different flavors depending on the coffee you choose. So, if you like this coffee sorbet, try it again with other types of coffee.

I wish you a great day, and I will come back again with another delicious post.

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