Banana Protein Ice Cream Recipe | Ninja Creami Recipe Vanilla

protein ice cream recipe ninja creami recipe vanilla homemade banana ice cream

My Homemade Banana Protein Ice Cream Recipe 

Hello, everyone! It’s a beautiful day out today, and I am craving something sweet after a jog. But I don’t want to add all the calories I just burned into my ice cream. Are you with me? (I mean, it was so hard to go out running for thirty minutes and I don’t want it to go to waste!) Well, I’m here to give you some ice cream recipes that can boost your protein intake. If you can eat something that is not only delicious but also makes you grow your muscles, how wonderful would that be? Hold tight, here is the vanilla banana protein ice cream recipe for you. This homemade banana protein ice cream might be your next favorite healthy snack, made with some vanilla protein powder to make it taste wonderful and some banana to sweeten.

Then let’s get into it!

Introduction to Protein Ice Cream Recipe 

Why Make Protein Ice Cream?

There are so many reasons why you should make my Ninja Creami Protein Ice Cream!

First of all, it’s a healthier alternative to traditional ice cream. Traditional or regular ice cream is basically fat and sugar, as the name suggests. But with my protein ice cream recipes, it’s a great combination of a sweet treat and a nutritious diet.

Here are some reasons why you should try my protein ice cream recipes.

  • High protein content
  • Lower calorie count
  • Reduced sugar
  • Fitness & lifestyle goals
  • Healthy snacking
  • Variety & convenience

If this sounds good to you, you can check out my other protein ice cream recipes.

My Other Protein-Packed Recipes

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Try this Chocolate Ninja Creami Protein Ice Cream recipe! It’s perfect after a workout with protein, nutrients, and caffeine to boost your energy and recovery.

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4 Ingredients Easy Ninja Creami Protein Ice Cream | Peanut

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Make this super easy yet delicious Ninja Creami Protein Ice Cream with only 4 simple ingredients! There are also topping ideas to make it more fun. Learn more.

Want to Learn the Best Protein Bars?

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If you are looking for an amazing protein bar with lots of plant protein and power, check out my blog post about my top picks on Amazon.

Introduction to Ninja Creami Vanilla Recipes

There are many vanilla recipes I’m going to share with you using Ninja Creami. Here are some of them, if you are interested.

  • Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Cherry Vanilla Ice Cream
  • Vanilla Protein Ice Cream with Protein Powder
  • Vanilla Protein Ice Cream (WFPB)

Equipment You Need for Protein Ice Cream Recipe

Ninja creami ice cream machine_homemade ice cream

My Ninja Ice Cream Maker Review | What You Can Make With It

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You really don’t need a lot of equipment to make this delicious raspberry gelato! Just this Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker and a blender.

I got my Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker about a year ago, and needless to say, I use it often and love it! It makes really good ice cream in such a short period of time, but there are some cons to having it, like the pretty big noise it makes. If you are interested, read my detailed Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker review here.

ninja creami recipe vanilla_vanilla ice cream recipe

Why Make Homemade Banana Protein Ice Cream with Ninja Creami

1. Choose Premium Ingredients

One of the best things about making something homemade is that you can choose the ingredients that you like. I love using dairy-free plant milk for the vanilla recipe, and I also use an organic vanilla extract that has so much vanilla goodness inside. Make your fresh homemade vanilla ice cream with the amazing ingredients of your own choice!

2. Less Calories

As we are using the Ninja Creami ice cream machine, we can make the frozen dessert creamier and softer than regular store-bought ice cream without using so much cream. Isn’t that amazing? You can read more about what you can do with Ninja Creami in my Ninja Creami ice cream machine review.

3. Can be Made Vegan and Dairy-Free

Many ice creams sold have dairy cream, but this homemade vanilla ice cream recipe can be made with plant milk and cream.

So if you are vegan, lactose-intolerant, or health-conscious and haven’t been able to eat your ice cream, make this vanilla ice cream. It might become your favorite frozen dessert!

4. Make and Eat at Home

Freeze the vanilla base in the Ninja Creami pint, and just run the machine to make the freshest ice cream ever!

Then, with no further ado, let’s dive right into the vanilla ice cream recipe using the Ninja Creami!

rotein ice cream recipe ninja creami recipe vanilla homemade banana ice cream

Banana Protein Ice Cream Recipe | Ninja Creami Recipe Vanilla

Homemade Vanilla Banana Protein Ice Cream

Kreamy Vegan
Try this delicious banana protein ice cream with vanilla protein powder!
Course Dessert
Cuisine American


  • 1 Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker


  • 1 1/2 cups Banana puree About 3 medium-sized bananas
  • 1/4 cup Date syrup Can substitute it with erythritol if you want sugar-free
  • 1/8 cup Vanilla protein powder
  • 1/4 cup Almond milk
  • 1/4 cup Salt


  • Prepare about 3 medium-sized bananas. Mash the bananas with a fork and make 1 1/2 cups of mashed banana.
  • In a bowl, mix the mashed banana with the rest of the ingredients. Mix until everything is well combined.
  • Pour the base into an empty CREAMi pint. Place the storage lid on a pint and freeze for 24 hours.
  • Remove the pint from the freezer and remove the lid from the pint. Place the pint into the Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker.
  • Select LITE ICE CREAM. Run the program.
  • When processing is complete, remove the ice cream from the pint.
  • Optionally, you can add any toppings you like now. Serve immediately.
Keyword after workout, fresh, homemade

Product Recommendation for Sugar-Free Banana Protein Ice Cream Recipe

ninja creami recipe vanilla_vanilla ice cream recipe vegan

Make the vanilla ice cream with monk fruit or stevia.

1. Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol

🌟 My Pick 🌟

WHOLE EARTH Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol, Plant-Based Sugar Alternative, 12 Ounce Pouch

Buy on Amazon

To make creamy ice cream, you need sugar. But instead of using regular sugar, I recommend using a healthy sweetener that only adds sweetness to bring out the best flavor of the ingredients.

2. Vanilla Protein Powder

Protein per 1 scoop/serving: 25 g

Ninja Creami Protein Ice Cream Peanut butter chocolate_ vanilla protein powder

KOS Vegan Protein Powder Erythritol Free, Vanilla USDA Organic

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This vegan protein powder has plant protein and other vitamins and minerals inside. It has many other amazing organic plant ingredients to make it more nutritious, so it gets a huge thumbs up from me. 👍

My husband used to get whey powder made out of milk, and he would have stomachaches afterward. After he changed to vegan protein powder with a vanilla taste, it is easier on his stomach and tastes much better! Vanilla protein powder is a great ingredient for many desserts, adding protein and flavor.

Tips for Enjoying Ninja Creami Recipe Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla ice cream with some prickly pear sorbet. I love the color combination!

1. Pair with All Kinds of Frozen Treats

You can pair the vanilla ice cream with any frozen treat. You can pair it with other ice creamsgelato, or sorbet if you want a refreshing pairing. Some of my favorite pairings are listed below.

  • Watermelon Sorbet: Watermelon sorbet also has a gentle sweetness like vanilla and banana ice cream.
  • Raspberry Gelato: Gelato is a light yet dense and flavorful dessert! Try this raspberry gelato with the vanilla banana protein ice cream.
  • Mango Gelato: This vibrant golden colored mango gelato is a heaven. This mango gelato will be a great sweet pairing.
  • Chocolate Protein Ice Cream: Great to eat after a workout for its protein content and other nutrients, this chocolate ice cream is more than other vanilla and chocolate ice cream pairings.

2. Make a Protein Shake

If you have any lattes you love, just add a scoop of this protein ice cream. You have a fresh, delicious protein shake in your hand! Here are some lattes that will go so well with the vanilla banana protein ice cream.

My favorite is to add a scoop of this vanilla ice cream to my matcha latte!

3. Add Toppings

ninja creami recipe vanilla_vanilla ice cream recipe_with strawberry cheong

Strawberry Cheong Recipe | For Korean Desserts and Drinks

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With the delicious vanilla banana protein ice cream, there are endless toppings you can add! If you love strawberry ice cream, how about trying strawberry cheong on your vanilla ice cream to make a gourmet vanilla ice cream? Strawberry cheong is a Korean way to preserve fresh fruits without using any heat. So it preserves vitamin C. Add protein and vitamin C to your diet!

Summary of Banana Protein Ice Cream Recipe | Ninja Creami Recipe Vanilla

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about the protein ice cream recipe with bananas and vanilla protein powder! If you loved this recipe, check out other recipes I’ve shared with you here. I hope you have a great time working out and eating this vanilla banana protein ice cream. I hope to see you again on my blog soon. Until then, I wish you a wonderful day.

My Other Plant-Protein-Packed Recipes

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This green pasta sauce is inspired by a Korean noodle dish and is oh-so-creamy, savory, nutty, and even buttery. It’s also packed with protein and nutrients!


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