Matcha Gelato Recipe | Healthy Ninja Creami Recipe

homemade matcha gelato recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe

Hello, my lovely people! I hope you are having a wonderful day today.

I’m doing great; I’m just developing lots of delicious frozen treat recipes for you all to enjoy this summer. If you know me, I love all kinds of ice cream (including gelato, shaved ice, milkshakes, and more). But there are certain flavors that I particularly enjoy, namely matcha, the green tea powder. I have been sharing quite a few matcha recipes here on my blog, but there are so many more to come. In today’s blog post, I will share a healthy ice cream with matcha flavor, something that I love so much—the matcha gelato recipe!

If you have been thinking that ice cream is not healthy for you, well, this matcha gelato is. How do I know? I eat gallons of this matcha gelato during the summer, and I haven’t gained a single pound. And let me tell you, I can gain weight if I don’t watch what I eat. If it is still a little difficult to believe, please allow me to introduce you to my glorious, healthy homemade matcha gelato recipe.

Introduction to Healthy Homemade Matcha Gelato Recipe

There are the top three reasons why this homemade matcha gelato recipe is a healthy ice cream recipe.

1. Gelato is Lighter in Calories than Ice Cream

It is hard to believe that this dense and smooth frozen treat is lighter in calories than ice cream! But gelato is primarily made with milk, whereas ice cream is made with cream.

Gelato has a dense texture due to a slower churning speed than ice cream so it has less air. This process gives the gelato its iconic dense and creamy texture, which is more intense than regular ice cream. Isn’t it so amazing that the creamy texture isn’t from cream? In fact, traditional gelato usually has little to no cream.

Here’s an easy comparison.


  • Whole milk-based (Occasionally egg yolk included)
  • Less air
  • A dense and creamier texture.
  • Low-fat content
  • Stronger taste of flavoring

Ice Cream

  • Cream-based
  • Airy
  • Soft and fluffy texture
  • High-fat content
  • Softer taste of flavoring

So yes, gelato is healthier, and what’s more, you can easily make a vegan version of the gelato by using plant milk in my recipe!

2. Homemade with Fresh and Premium Ingredients

It’s not very easy to find matcha gelato at a store, but even if you did, homemade matcha gelato would be the best. When you make food at home, you can choose ingredients of your choice. That is one of the beauties of homemade. (And you also pour love into it!)

I used fresh quality ingredients for the best matcha gelato recipe. You can read my recommendations below in the post.

3. Matcha with Antioxidants

Last but not least, matcha is so healthy! There are numerous health benefits you can reap from drinking and eating matcha. It makes me so happy that the food I love is also making me healthier. It also has so many antioxidant properties that can help your skin and brain young.

Should we get deeper into this topic?

Health Benefits of Matcha

I love matcha not only for its distinct flavor but also for its incredible health benefits!

You can consider matcha as one of the green leafy vegetables, which is one of the healthiest types of food in the world. As I wrote in my blog post about why you need to eat more leafy greens, I try to eat lots of them every day. But when I don’t have enough, I turn to a cup of matcha. The green powder of leafy tea leaves is packed with chlorophyll.

Here are some scientifically backed benefits of matcha:

  1. Protects Brain Function: Matcha boosts brain function by increasing oxygen flow, and enhancing memory, cognitive performance, attention, and motivation. That’s why there are some matcha supplements out there, but I prefer a matcha latte or ice cream!
  2. Improves Fertility: Matcha may improve fertility by increasing sperm quality and mobility, thanks to its polyphenols, vitamin E, and selenium.
  3. Strengthens Bones: Vitamin K in matcha helps strengthen bones by aiding calcium absorption and preventing bone loss.
  4. Enhances Skin Elasticity: Rich in antioxidants, matcha improves skin elasticity, texture, and tone. It’s so effective that green tea extract is common in skincare products. Drinking matcha provides anti-aging benefits from within. You can read more about it in my blog post, All Natural Beauty Tips.
  5. Regulates Appetite: Green tea and matcha, the key to Japanese longevity, act as appetite suppressants. Caffeine and chlorophyll help control appetite naturally.

Oat Milk Matcha Latte Recipe_Japanese Latte Recipe

My oat milk matcha latte recipe is also my go-to way to have matcha!

More Health Benefits of Matcha

Matcha offers numerous potential health benefits, including:

  • Fighting cancer by inhibiting tumor growth and inducing cancer cell death.
  • Preventing type 2 diabetes by improving insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism.
  • Combating depression by increasing serotonin levels and reducing brain inflammation.
  • Lowering cholesterol by reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and increasing HDL (good) cholesterol.
  • Reducing blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels and lowering oxidative stress.

My Other Matcha Recipes

Are you crazy about matcha like me? Here are my other matcha recipes.

Ingredients for Healthy Matcha Gelato Recipe

1. Matcha

The very first step to making the best matcha ice cream recipe is choosing high-grade matcha. Here are a few things that I look for in the best matcha: organic, first-harvest, ceremonial grade, and origin. The quality of the matcha can vary a lot.

One of the very first things I noticed about the difference was the color. Good-quality matcha will have a bright green color, whereas lower-grade matcha will have a greyish-brownish-green. The taste and the smell of the quality matcha are fresher and stronger. Bad or old matcha might not taste anything, or even worse, stale.

You can learn more about matcha in detail in my blog post, Matcha 101.

homemade matcha gelato recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe

Make the best matcha treats with the premium products below!

🌟 My Japanese Matcha Pick 🌟

Encha Ceremonial Grade Matcha Powder from Uji, Japan (30g/1.06oz)

This is a great organic, first-harvest Japanese matcha green tea powder from Uji, Japan. It is ceremonial-grade matcha powder, as I mentioned. This would definitely make you some of the best matcha gelato you’ve ever had!

🌟 My Korean Malcha Pick 🌟

This matcha powder made with premium organic tea leaves is from a famous Korean tea brand, and its ingredients are sourced from clean Jeju Island. Starbucks in Korea has a matcha latte on their menu and they also use matcha powder from Jeju Island!

2. Soymilk

You can use any whole milk (including plant milk) for this recipe. I opted for soymilk, as soymilk is a traditional East Asian drink and brings out a classic Japanese taste. It also doesn’t give me a stomachache when I have regular cowmilk with lactose. If you haven’t tried making ice cream or gelato with plant milk, I hope you give it a try! Oat milk or almond milk go so well, too.

3. Sweetener: Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol

🌟 My Pick 🌟

WHOLE EARTH Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol, Plant-Based Sugar Alternative, 12 Ounce Pouch

Buy on Amazon

To make creamy frozen treats, you need a sweetener. Traditionally, table sugar has been used. But instead of using regular sugar, I use a healthy sweetener that only adds sweetness while not spiking up the blood sugar and bringing out the best flavor of the ingredients.

Healthy Ninja Creami Recipe

So to make this matcha gelato recipe, you need a Ninja Creami ice cream machine. Otherwise, this recipe won’t work well, and it’s going to be more like frozen matcha latte. You can read more about the ice cream maker in my blog post below. This is what enables me to make healthy ice cream at home.

Ninja creami ice cream machine_homemade ice cream

Read Post

I got my Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker about a year ago, and needless to say, I use it often and love it! It makes really good ice cream in such a short period of time, but there are some cons to having it, like the pretty big noise it makes. If you are interested, read my detailed Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker review here.

homemade matcha gelato recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe

Matcha Gelato Recipe | Healthy Ninja Creami Recipe

Homemade Matcha Gelato Recipe

Kreamy Vegan
Try this delicious homemade delicious matcha gelato recipe!
Course Dessert
Cuisine Italian, Japanese


  • 1 1 Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker


  • 2 tbsp Matcha powder
  • 1/2 cup Erythritol with Monk Fruit/Stevia Can be substituted with regular sugar
  • 1 2/3 cup Soy milk


  • In a medium bowl, prepare 2 tablespoons of matcha powder and erythritol with stevia (or sugar if you like.) Mix all the powder ingredients well.
  • Pour 1/8 tablespoon of soymilk first into the cup, and whisk it fast to make it into a paste. There should be no clumps.
  • Pour the rest of the soymilk little by little as you whisk.
  • Once everything is combined, pour the matcha mixture into the CREAMi pint.
  • Let the sugar dissolve for 30 minutes. Place the storage lid on a pint and freeze for 24 hours.
  • Remove the pint from the freezer and remove the lid from the pint. Place the pint into the Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker.
  • Select GELATO. Run the program.
  • When processing is complete, remove the gelato from the pint.
  • Serve immediately. Yum!

Summary of Homemade Healthy Matcha Gelato Recipe

This homemade healthy matcha gelato is one of a kind, and I love the earthy, sweet, and lightly bitter taste of matcha. The green color also makes me feel relaxed.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post about the matcha gelato recipe and enjoy making and eating it as much as I do! Wish you all a great week. I will see you again soon with other delicious life tips and recipes.

My Other Gelato Recipes

Raspberry gelato recipe vegan fruit ice cream recipe_ninja creami

Raspberry Gelato Recipe | Vegan-Friendly Fruit Ice Cream Recipe

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Try this raspberry gelato recipe that can also be made vegan! It’s so flavorful, dense, and, believe it or not, healthy! Make this no-sugar, no-fat gelato.

homemade mango gelato recipe_mango ice cream ninja creami in italy

Mango Gelato Recipe | Healthy Homemade Raw Vegan Dessert

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Eating gelato reminds me of Italy 🇮🇹 Try this flavorful and creamy mango gelato recipe! This healthy and delicious raw vegan dessert is easy to make. Let’s go 🥭

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Peanut Butter Gelato Recipe | No Eggs | Can Be Made Vegan

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Try this peanut butter gelato recipe that is so creamy, rich, smooth, sweet, and salty! Can be made vegan and naturally without eggs, this recipe is a must-try.


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