Matcha Float | Japanese Matcha Ice Cream Soda Recipe

Hello, everyone! After my blog post about the matcha ice cream recipe, I got really inspired to share another matcha recipe. Matcha is one of my favorite drinks of all time, so there are many more matcha recipes to come. So stay tuned for more delicious and creative matcha recipes! In today’s blog post, I want to share the recipe for Matcha Float.

Introduction to Matcha Float

best raspberry sorbet float with raspberry sorbet recipe

My raspberry sorbet floats with some lemon soda!

What is A Float?

A float is a delightful beverage that is a frozen dessert on top of a soft drink.

An ice cream float, also known as ice cream soda, is ice cream combined with either a soft drink or carbonated water mixed with flavored syrup. The most common floats are Root Beer Float, which is a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a cup of root beer, and Coke Float, which uses coke instead of root beer.

My personal favorites are sorbet floats, combining my flavorful sorbet with some refreshing soda. So I have lots of sorbet recipes on my blog that you can make a sorbet float with.

What is a Matcha Float?

There are many ways to create your matcha float. But when I’m creating a matcha recipe, I want to keep the real, original matcha flavor. For instance, I see many times some matcha recipes use bananas to sweeten. I find the banana taste overpowering the matcha flavor, and it doesn’t go well with the earthy and fresh taste of matcha.

Anyway, here are some ways to create a Matcha Float.

  • Vanilla Ice Cream with Matcha Latte and Soda

This is a great recipe for those of you who wants softer taste of vanilla ice cream with a sip of matcha latte.

  • Matcha Ice Cream with Soda and Milk

However, if you are a true matcha-lover, this will be your choice. This is the matcha float recipe I’m going to share with you. 💚 Matcha ice cream has a beautiful and a stronger taste of matcha than matcha latte, and the original float should have carbonated drink in the recipe. Then let’s go!

Matcha Float or Matcha Milkshake?

You might be wondering the difference between the matcha float and the matcha milkshake. A matcha float consists of a scoop (or two, or more!) of matcha ice cream and soda. Matcha milkshake, on the other hand, has milk as the drink base. I really, really love matcha milkshakes. It’s a drinkable matcha ice cream.

all natural beauty tips_green tea matcha latte recipe

One of the proven ingredients for healthy skin is green tea. Read my All Natural Beauty Tips blog post for more details!

My Other Matcha Recipes

Are you crazy about matcha like me? Here are my other matcha recipes.

Health Benefits of Matcha

I love matcha not only for its distinct flavor but also for its incredible health benefits!

You can consider matcha as one of the green leafy vegetables, which is one of the healthiest types of food in the world. As I wrote in my blog post about why you need to eat more leafy greens, I try to eat lots of them every day. But when I don’t have enough, I turn to a cup of matcha. The green powder of leafy tea leaves is packed with chlorophyll.

Here are some scientifically backed benefits of matcha:

  1. Protects Brain Function: Matcha boosts brain function by increasing oxygen flow, and enhancing memory, cognitive performance, attention, and motivation. That’s why there are some matcha supplements out there, but I prefer a matcha latte or ice cream!
  2. Improves Fertility: Matcha may improve fertility by increasing sperm quality and mobility, thanks to its polyphenols, vitamin E, and selenium.
  3. Strengthens Bones: Vitamin K in matcha helps strengthen bones by aiding calcium absorption and preventing bone loss.
  4. Enhances Skin Elasticity: Rich in antioxidants, matcha improves skin elasticity, texture, and tone. It’s so effective that green tea extract is common in skincare products. Drinking matcha provides anti-aging benefits from within. You can read more about it in my blog post, All Natural Beauty Tips.
  5. Regulates Appetite: Green tea and matcha, the key to Japanese longevity, act as appetite suppressants. Caffeine and chlorophyll help control appetite naturally.

all natural beauty tips matcha green tea oat milk matcha latte recipe

Best Matcha for Matcha Float

1. Organic
2. First-Harvest
3. Ceremonial-Grade
4. Origin
Matcha is originally from Japan, so you’ll be able to find many amazing matcha powders from there. I also love Malcha powder (it means Matcha in Korean) from Jeju Island in Korea, as the island is known for its clean nature and great tea harvest.
Oat Milk Matcha Latte Recipe_Japanese Recipe

🌟 My Japanese Matcha Pick 🌟

Encha Ceremonial Grade Matcha Powder from Uji, Japan (30g/1.06oz)

This is a great organic, first-harvest Japanese matcha green tea powder from Uji, Japan. It is ceremonial-grade matcha powder, as I mentioned. This would definitely make you some of the best matcha ice cream you’ve ever had!

🌟 My Korean Malcha Pick 🌟

This matcha powder made with premium organic tea leaves is from a famous Korean tea brand, and its ingredients are sourced from clean Jeju Island. Starbucks in Korea has a matcha latte on their menu and they also use matcha powder from Jeju Island!
matcha float japanese matcha recipe_allulose syrup

My Sweeteners for Matcha Recipes

I see some matcha ice cream recipes using bananas, but I really don’t think matcha flavor goes well with bananas. If you are a true matcha lover, you’d want matcha to stand and shine on its own, not introduce another fruit flavor. So I will use a simple sweetener here in my matcha ice cream recipe.

🌟 My Sweetener Pick 🌟

WHOLE EARTH Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol, Plant-Based Sugar Alternative, 12 Ounce Pouch

Buy on Amazon

To make creamy matcha ice cream, you need sugar. But instead of using regular sugar, I recommend using a healthy sweetener that only adds sweetness to bring out the best flavor of the ingredients.

🌟 My Syrup Pick 🌟

My Normal Keto Allulose 17.1 Fl Oz – Allulose, Monk Fruit and Stevia Blend

Buy on Amazon

Using a good bottle of fiber syrup is important to making the best sorbet. It adds sweetness to the sorbet while making it healthy!

Introduction to Matcha Float Recipe

To make the matcha float, you need these three simple steps:

matcha float japanese matcha recipe

Delicious matcha float that will take you on a culinary trip to Japan!

1. Make Matcha Ice Cream

First and foremost, you need to make matcha ice cream. It is not only the first but also the most important part of the matcha float recipe.

2. Choose a Soft Drink

Then, choose a soft drink of your choice. Something like Sprite, which doesn’t add any particular flavor to the recipe, would be perfect.

2. Choose Your Milk Base

Once you have the matcha ice cream and the soda, choose your milk base. It is to be mixed with the soft drink to make it taste softer and pair well with the matcha ice cream. I chose soy milk here for a more original Japanese take on the matcha float. (Soy milk is a traditional East Asian drink and is used for many desserts and other food recipes.)

Equipment Needed: Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker

Ninja creami ice cream machine_homemade ice cream

Read Post

I got my Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker about a year ago, and needless to say, I use it often and love it! It makes really good ice cream in such a short period of time, but there are some cons to having it, like the pretty big noise it makes. If you are interested, read my detailed Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker review here.

Matcha Float | Japanese Matcha Milkshake Recipe

matcha float japanese matcha recipe

Original Matcha Float Recipe

Kreamy Vegan
Make this matcha float with real Japanese matcha ice cream!
Course Dessert
Cuisine Japanese


  • 1 Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker
  • 1 Matcha Whisk (Chasen) or a whisk


Matcha Ice Cream Ingredients

  • 2 tbsp Matcha powder
  • 1/8 tsp Spirulina powder
  • 1/2 cup Erythritol with Monk Fruit/Stevia Can substitute it with sugar
  • 1 cup Soy milk
  • 2/3 cup Vegan cream

Matcha Float Ingredients

  • 2 scoop Matcha ice cream Made above
  • 1 cup Sprite
  • 1/3 cup Soy milk
  • 1 tbsp Allulose syrup Can substitute it with syrup


  • 1 tbsp Condensed milk Optional
  • 1 dust Matcha powder


Making Matcha Ice Cream

  • In a cup, prepare 2 tablespoons of matcha powder, 1/8 teaspoon of spirulina powder, and erythritol with stevia (or sugar if you don’t have it.) Mix all the powder ingredients well.
  • Pour 1/8 tablespoon of soymilk first into the cup, and whisk it fast to make it into a paste. There should be no clumps.
  • Pour the rest of the soymilk little by little as you whisk.
  • Once everything is combined, pour the matcha mixture into the CREAMi pint.
  • Pour the vegan cream and mix everything in the pint again.
  • Let the sugar dissolve for 30 minutes. Place the storage lid on a pint and freeze for 24 hours.
  • Remove the pint from the freezer and remove the lid from the pint. Place the pint into the Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker.
  • Select ICE CREAM. Run the program.
  • When processing is complete, remove the ice cream from the pint.

Making Matcha Float

  • In a long milkshake glass, pour 1/3 cup of soymilk and syrup. Mix.
  • Pour Sprite over. Take two big scoops of matcha ice cream that you prepared and put them in the milkshake glass.
  • Optionally, you can pour some condensed milk on top of matcha ice cream and dust matcha powder on top for decoration.
  • Enjoy!
Keyword original, real

Tips for Enjoying Matcha Float

1. Add a Pinch of Spirulina Powder

This is a trick that many bakeries and cafes have on their menus in Japan. You can use a tiny bit of spirulina powder in your matcha recipe to make the green color more vivid. But you only need a tiny bit! If you have tasted spirulina powder, you’ll understand that it tastes quite funky and sea-like. But if you add only a little, it’s healthy and brings out a gorgeous green color to the matcha!

So, if you want a bright green matcha float, add just a tiny bit of spirulina powder to the recipe.

2. Add Boba 

Like boba tea, add some boba to the matcha float. A matcha bingsu or a matcha ice cream goes so well with some rice cakes (mochi or tteok). The chewy texture of rice cakes compliments the soft texture of frozen treats. Adding boba gives you a similar, interesting, chewy texture!

Summary of Matcha Float Recipe

I hope you enjoyed this matcha float recipe! Just by mixing it, it can also turn into a matcha milkshake.

In most frozen treat recipes, I say that these are perfect for the summer. But matcha recipes are a little too special for me. I love having matcha floats, matcha milkshakes, and matcha ice cream, even in the winter! So if you are a crazy matcha lover like me, you might enjoy this matcha float recipe throughout the whole year. Welcome to the club!

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