Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream Recipe | Healthy Ninja Creami

vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe_raw vegan dessert recipe

Hello, my gorgeous people! I hope you are having a soft and sweet day, just like this vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe I will share today. I love nuts for their nutty flavors, but macadamia nuts are one of a kind. They have a rich, buttery flavor, and you can even taste some natural sweetness from the nuts.

So I am super excited to share the ice cream recipe made with these beautifully nutty and sweet macadamia nuts with you all today.

Let’s dive right into the real vanilla macadamia ice cream then, shall we?

The Real Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream Recipe

1. Generous Macadamia as an Ingredient

I call this “real” vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe for its generous amount of macadamia nuts!

I was surprised to learn that many ice creams with certain flavors only have coloring, artificial scents, or taste. Even the homemade ones were so petty with the amount of main ingredients they were putting in the recipe.

Well, not here with this recipe! We are going to use lots of macadamia nuts to taste the real macadamia.

2. Enhanced Vanilla Flavor

The taste of macadamia nuts has some sort of coconutty and vanilla flavor. So I decided to add some vanilla to the macadamia ice cream to enhance the flavor.

The result is this real vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe.

But do you know what’s more? It’s healthy, too!

Healthy Ninja Creami Recipe

I eat lots of frozen treats. But I still don’t want to compromise my health by eating so many frozen desserts. Desserts can be healthy yet delicious! I always have health in mind, so all my ice creamsgelato, or sorbet recipes are healthier in some way than regular store-bought ice creams. There are many healthy Ninja Creami recipes on my blog, so you can check them out if you are interested. 💪

As one of the healthy Ninja Creami recipes, I’d like to introduce you to vanilla macadamia ice cream.

What makes this vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe healthy?

1. Macadamia nuts are healthy

First and foremost, macadamia nuts are healthy. Here are some snippets of the health benefits of macadamia nuts.

  • Weight-Loss: Don’t be fooled by the high-fat content of the macadamia nuts! They are good fats, and macadamia has lots of fiber and protein as well. These combined help you feel full for a long time.
  • Heart Health: A study found that eating macadamia nuts may play a role in preventing coronary artery disease due to their healthy fact called monosaturated fatty acids.
  • Healthy Skin: Macadamia nuts are high in vitamin E, which is a vital vitamin for skin health.

Ninja creami ice cream machine_homemade ice cream

My Ninja Ice Cream Maker Review | What You Can Make With It

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2. Less Calories

As we are using the Ninja Creami ice cream machine, we can make the frozen dessert creamier and softer than regular store-bought ice cream without using so much cream. Isn’t that amazing? That makes our vanilla macadamia ice cream super creamy without the saturated fat from using regular cream.

You can read more about what you can do with Ninja Creami in my Ninja Creami ice cream machine review.

3. Can be Made Vegan and Dairy-Free

Many ice creams sold have dairy cream, but this homemade vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe can be made with plant milk and cream.

So if you are vegan, lactose-intolerant, or health-conscious and haven’t been able to eat your ice cream, make this vanilla macadamia ice cream. It might become your favorite frozen dessert!

Introduction to Ninja Creami Vanilla Recipes

There are many vanilla recipes I’m going to share with you using Ninja Creami. Here are some of them, if you are interested.

vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe with macadamia

Let’s get into learning about the macadamia ice cream recipe, then!

Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream Recipe | Healthy Ninja Creami Recipe

vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe_healthy ninja creami recipe

Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream

Kreamy Vegan
Sweet, nutty, and creamy vanilla ice cream recipe
Course Dessert


  • 1 Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker
  • 1 Blender


  • 1 cup Roasted macadamia nuts
  • 1 1/2 cup Oat milk You can use whole milk
  • 1/2 cup Sugar Can be substituted with erythritol with monk fruit
  • 1/8 cup Rolled oats
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tbsp Vanilla extract

Optional Mix-In

  • 1/4 cup Roasted macadamia nuts Chopped


  • In a blender, pour all the ingredients and blend until smooth.
  • Pour the base into an empty Ninja Creami pint. Place the storage lid on a pint and freeze for 24 hours.
  • Remove the pint from the freezer and remove the lid from the pint.
  • Select LIGHT ICE CREAM on Ninja Creami Ice Cream Maker.
  • Optionally, you can take 1/4 cup of roasted macadamia nuts and chop them. Then, remove the pint and make a hole inside the ice cream. Add the chopped macadamia nuts inside the hole. Select MIX-IN.
  • When processing is complete, remove the ice cream from the pint and serve immediately. Enjoy!
Keyword creamy, healthy

Product Recommendation for Sugar-Free Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream Recipe

Make the ice cream with monk fruit or stevia.

1. Monk Fruit Sweetener with Erythritol

🌟 My Pick 🌟

Micro Ingredients | Erythritol Granules, 6 Pounds (96 Ounce), 1:1 Sugar Substitute

Buy on Amazon

To make creamy ice cream, you need sugar. But instead of using regular sugar, I recommend using a healthy sweetener that only adds sweetness to bring out the best flavor of the ingredients.

Tips for Enjoying Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream

1. Pair with Other Healthy Frozen Treats

You can pair the vanilla macadamia ice cream with many frozen treats that have a nutty or deep flavor. Some of my favorite pairings are like these. 🤤

ninja creami protein ice cream recipe peanut butter and chocolate

Great to eat after a workout for its protein content and other nutrients, this chocolate ice cream is more than other vanilla and chocolate ice cream pairings.

Easy peanut butter Ninja Creami protein ice cream with pear sorbet and nuts

The nutty, creamy, and deep flavors of the peanut butter ice cream are too good to resist. It’s also packed with protein, so it’s one of our favorites. They also go very well with the refreshing and elegant pear sorbet.

Matcha ice cream recipe_how to make matcha ice cream_japanese ice cream Ninja Creami

Learn how to make matcha ice cream using premium ingredients (I have recommendations!) with an original Japanese taste. Try this best matcha ice cream recipe.

2. Add Fruit Syrup Toppings | Cheong

Do you know about cheong? It’s a Korean raw fruit syrup (although you can also eat the pulp if you like!) If you want to add some fruity freshness, then I suggest you try adding a cheong on top.

ninja creami recipe vanilla_vanilla ice cream recipe_with strawberry cheong

Strawberry Cheong Recipe | For Korean Desserts and Drinks

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With vanilla ice cream, there are endless toppings you can add! If you love strawberry ice cream, how about trying strawberry cheong on your vanilla ice cream to make a gourmet vanilla ice cream? Strawberry cheong is a Korean way to preserve fresh fruits without using any heat.

Korean tangerine cheong recipe_tangerine syrup_with vanilla ice cream

Tangerine Cheong Recipe | How to Make Korean Tangerine Syrup

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Try this Korean tangerine cheong recipe. You can get both the zesty, sweet tangerine syrup and the marmalade in one recipe! Learn more.

3. Macadamia Nuts on Top

Last but not least, if you want to add some crunchiness, you can add some chopped macadamia nuts on top.

Summary of Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream Recipe

I love the rich, buttery taste of macadamia nuts so much, so turning this gorgeous macadamia into a frozen treat has been on my wish list for a while. So there you have it—a salty, sweet, rich, and buttery vanilla macadamia ice cream recipe! I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we did.
I wish you all a great day, and I’ll see you soon with another delicious post!

P.S. Oh, and as I explained, macadamia ice cream is often compared to the flavor of the coconuts. So if you love macadamia ice cream, you might love this coconut ice cream recipe below too.

Other Ninja Creami Ice Cream Machine Recipes

coconut ice cream with nuts recipe inspired by baskin robbins nutty coconut

Coconut Ice Cream Recipe | Inspired by Baskin Robbins Nutty Coconut

View Recipe

Inspired by the Nutty Coconut, this coconut ice cream recipe has three types of nuts. They bring out the sweetness and nutty flavor of the coconut even more.

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